WIOA Eligibilty (Current Updates )
The following articles include most recent updates as well and DCEO Jim Pott's 2023 Webinars.
- Career Connect Dislocated Worker Eligibility Guide
- DCEO Webinar 9/14/2023: WIOA General Eligibility, Low Income Eligibility and Basic Skills Deficiency
- DCEO-WIOA Dislocated Worker Eligibility presented by Jim Potts on 9-20-2023
- DCEO-WIOA Mandated Follow-Up, Assessment and IEP/ISS Webinar
- DCEO-WIOA Youth and Adult Eligibility Webinar presented by Jim Potts 9-19-2023
- DCEO: PII, Selective Service & Veterans Presentation (August 2019)
- DCEO: Supplemental Wages Presentation (August 2019)
- DCEO: Youth Assessment Power Point (August 2019)
- List of Acceptable Documents (Updated 11/29/2023)